A Trusted Language Extension containing a variety of useful databse admin queries.
Postgres database admins are often faced with a variety of issues that require them introspecting the database state. This extension contains a mixed-bag of views that reflect useful information for admins.
Using dbdev:
postgres=> select dbdev.install('michelp@adminpack');
(1 row)
postgres=> create schema adminpack;
postgres=> create extension "michelp@adminpack" with schema adminpack;
This will the extension into the adminpack
schema, substitute with
some other schema if you want it to go somewhere else.
Index Bloat
Index updates and querying can end up getting slower and slower over time due to what's called "index bloat". This is where frequent updates and deletes can cause space in index data structures to go unused. Understanding when this is happening is not obvious, so there is a rather complex query you can run to detect it.
Column | Type |
current_database | name |
schemaname | name |
tblname | name |
idxname | name |
real_size | numeric |
extra_size | numeric |
extra_pct | double precision |
fillfactor | integer |
bloat_size | double precision |
bloat_pct | double precision |
is_na | boolean |
Table Bloat
Like index bloat, tables with high update and delete rates can also end up containing lots of allocated but unused space. This query shows which tables have the most bloat.
Column | Type |
current_database | name |
schemaname | name |
tblname | name |
real_size | numeric |
extra_size | double precision |
extra_pct | double precision |
fillfactor | integer |
bloat_size | double precision |
bloat_pct | double precision |
is_na | boolean |
Blocking PID Tree
Postgres queries can block each other, and this blocking relationship can form a tree, where A blocks B, which blocks C, and so on. This query formats blocking queries into a tree structure so it's easy to see what query is causing the blockage.
Column | Type |
PID | text |
Lock Info | text |
State | text |
Duplicate Indexes
If a table contains duplicate indexes, then unecessary work is done updating and storing them, this query will show up to 4 duplicate indexes per table if they exist.
Column | Type |
size | text |
idx1 | regclass |
idx2 | regclass |
idx3 | regclass |
idx4 | regclass |
Table Sizes
This view shows tables and their sizes.
Column | Type |
table_schema | name |
table_name | name |
row_estimate | real |
total | text |
index | text |
toast | text |
table | text |
total_size_share | double precision |
Schema Sizes
This view shows schemas and their sizes, which is the sum of the sizes of all the tables and indexes in the schema.
Column | Type |
schemaname | name |
table | text |
index | text |
table_index | text |
sum | numeric |
Index Usage
This view shows index size and usage. An unused index still needs to be updated and that takes time an storage, so it's a good candidate to drop.
Column | Type |
schemaname | name |
tablename | name |
num_rows | bigint |
table_size | text |
index_name | name |
index_size | text |
unique | text |
number_of_scans | bigint |
tuples_read | bigint |
tuples_fetched | bigint |
Last Vacuum Analyze
This views shows the last time a table was vacuumed an analyzed.
Column | Type |
relname | name |
last_vacuum | timestamp with time zone |
n_mod_since_analyze | timestamp with time zone |
last_analyze | timestamp with time zone |
last_autoanalyze | timestamp with time zone |
analyze_count | bigint |
autoanalyze_count | bigint |
Table Row Estimates
This view shows estimates for the number of rows in a table. This is just an estimate and depends on up to date table statistics.
Column | Type |
schemaname | name |
relname | name |
n_live_tup | bigint |
PGMeta Columns
This view shows infromation for the columns of tables in the system.
Column | Type |
table_id | bigint |
schema | name |
table | name |
id | text |
ordinal_position | smallint |
name | name |
default_value | text |
data_type | text |
format | name |
is_identity | boolean |
identity_generation | text |
is_generated | boolean |
is_nullable | boolean |
is_updatable | boolean |
is_unique | boolean |
enums | json |
comment | text |
PGMeta Config
This views shows the configuration of the database.
Column | Type |
name | text |
setting | text |
category | text |
group | text |
subgroup | text |
unit | text |
short_desc | text |
extra_desc | text |
context | text |
vartype | text |
source | text |
min_val | text |
max_val | text |
enumvals | text[] |
boot_val | text |
reset_val | text |
sourcefile | text |
sourceline | integer |
pending_restart | boolean |
PGMeta Extensions
This view shows installed extensions in the database.
Column | Type |
name | name |
schema | name |
default_version | text |
installed_version | text |
comment | text |
PGMeta Foreign Tables
This view shows foreign tables in the database.
Column | Type |
id | bigint |
schema | name |
name | name |
comment | text |
PGMeta Functions
This view shows functions in the database.
Column | Type |
id | bigint |
schema | name |
name | name |
language | name |
definition | text |
complete_statement | text |
args | jsonb |
argument_types | text |
identity_argument_types | text |
return_type_id | bigint |
return_type | text |
return_type_relation_id | bigint |
is_set_returning_function | boolean |
behavior | text |
security_definer | boolean |
config_params | jsonb |
PGMeta Materialized Views
This view shows materialized views in the database.
Column | Type |
id | bigint |
schema | name |
name | name |
is_populated | boolean |
comment | text |
PGMeta Policies
This view shows Row Level Security Policies in the database.
Column | Type |
id | bigint |
schema | name |
table | name |
table_id | bigint |
name | name |
action | text |
roles | json |
command | text |
definition | text |
check | text |
PGMeta Primary Keys
This view shows primary keys in the database.
Column | Type |
schema | name |
table_name | name |
name | name |
table_id | bigint |
PGMeta Publications
This view shows logical replication publishers in the database.
Column | Type |
id | bigint |
name | name |
owner | text |
publish_insert | boolean |
publish_update | boolean |
publish_delete | boolean |
publish_truncate | boolean |
tables | json[] |
PGMeta Relationships
This view shows foreign key relationships in the database.
Column | Type |
id | bigint |
constraint_name | name |
source_schema | name |
source_table_name | name |
source_column_name | name |
target_table_schema | name |
target_table_name | name |
target_column_name | name |
PGMeta Roles
This view shows roles in the database system. Note that roles are global objects and apply to all databases.
Column | Type |
id | bigint |
name | name |
is_superuser | boolean |
can_create_db | boolean |
can_create_role | boolean |
inherit_role | boolean |
can_login | boolean |
is_replication_role | boolean |
can_bypass_rls | boolean |
active_connections | bigint |
connection_limit | bigint |
password | text |
valid_until | timestamp with time zone |
config | text[] |
PGMeta Schemas
This view shows all schemas in the database.
Column | Type |
id | bigint |
name | name |
owner | name |
PGMeta Tables
This view shows all tables in the database.
Column | Type |
id | bigint |
schema | name |
name | name |
rls_enabled | boolean |
rls_forced | boolean |
replica_identity | text |
bytes | bigint |
size | text |
live_rows_estimate | bigint |
dead_rows_estimate | bigint |
comment | text |
PGMeta Triggers
This view shows all triggers in the database.
Column | Type |
id | oid |
table_id | oid |
enabled_mode | text |
function_args | text[] |
name | information_schema.sql_identifier |
table | information_schema.sql_identifier |
schema | information_schema.sql_identifier |
condition | information_schema.character_data |
orientation | information_schema.character_data |
activation | information_schema.character_data |
events | text[] |
function_name | name |
function_schema | name |
PGMeta Types
This view shows all types in the database.
Column | Type |
id | bigint |
name | name |
schema | name |
format | text |
enums | jsonb |
attributes | jsonb |
comment | text |
PGMeta Version
This view shows the current database version.
Column | Type |
version | text |
version_number | bigint |
active_connections | bigint |
max_connections | bigint |
PGMeta Views
This view shows all views in the database.
Column | Type |
id | bigint |
schema | name |
name | name |
is_updatable | boolean |
comment | text |
- Install the
package manager - Install the package:
select dbdev.install('michelp@adminpack');
create extension "michelp@adminpack"
version '0.0.2';
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- 1 download in the last 90 day
- 1 download in the last 180 day